Thursday, March 5, 2009

man hater?

boys, bOys, boyS..
thEy thiNk, we giRls are tOys.
theY would teLL you "i love you",
buT in The eNd tHey'LL leaVe yoU.
thEy wouLd teLL yoy Your preTTy,
eVen though yOu arE ugLy.
THey wOuld be sweeT like Honey,
buT all They waNt is ouR BODY!
wE shOuld not gIve our tRust
in A maN that fasT,
so that we wiLl not be FrustRated
anD ouR TEARS will not be wasTed!
hahaha! that was the first poem i have created when i was still in my highschool years.
corny noh?
murag naay kalagot s mga laki.

1 comment:

  1. umm murag ana napud. based on experience? hahahaha :))



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